Friday, December 5, 2008

Here she is!

So I went to the babyhouse today and met Angelina. She was born April 25, 08 and is small for her age. She is of Kazakh decent, so I think she looks Eurasian. I got to meet her in the morning for just a few minutes and then we went back in the afternoon and I got to spend nearly an hour with her. She liked the little toys I brought, but she did seem to be getting kind of tired - maybe it was close to nap time. I will keep taking pictures to add to the blog, but adding this one picture now took over 5 minutes with the dial up connection here in the apartment. There is an internet cafe in the mall next door that has free wireless internet - with the purchase of some food - so maybe I will go over there and try to see if it is quicker!

So now I will get to visit her daily - except on the weekend and next Monday here is a holiday, but all those days still count toward the 14 day bonding period. Farida - the adoption coordinator - is now trying to schedule the court date for the 15th day - which would be Friday, the 19th. Then I will be able to make it back to Florida for Christmas.

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